about jumpstart

what is Jumpstart?


Jumpstart is a successful community development program that combines slow, steady growth, scattered site rehab, and a mix of affordable and market-rate housing.

"Jumpstart was created to reduce blight and increase investment in our communities. By offering opportunities for local entrepreneurs, we can keep wealth local. With Jumpstart everyone wins - aspiring developers, longtime residents, and other community partners all benefit from additional investment in their neighborhood."

- Ken Weinstein, founder of Jumpstart Germantown and President of Philly Office Retail

Message From Ken Weinstein,
Founder of Jumpstart Germantown

Ken Weinstein

Jumpstart has grown from a couple students sitting in my office in 2015 to multiple training sessions a year with 60+ participants at a time. We’ve already enjoyed real success in making the Germantown section of Philadelphia a better place to live, work and enjoy. Now, as we expand to other neighborhoods, cities, and towns, we hope you will join our efforts to transform your community. This site features the tools you need to either start a Jumpstart Program or remove blight from your community by buying and renovating vacant, deteriorated houses, one at a time. 

I look forward to hearing about your experiences. Reach out to me or my Jumpstart Germantown team at any time, if you have questions about getting your Jumpstart Program off the ground or need advice on helping it grow.


Jumpstart germantown: a success story


(as of Nov. 2022)


1300+ graduates


   $39.3 million in loans
   325 loans
   371 units


Jumpstart Germantown has already made a positive impact in this northwest Philadelphia community. New investment dollars and responsible development are coming to Germantown every day. Blight continues to disappear.

And the Jumpstart Program is growing.

  • Ken conducted the first Jumpstart Germantown Training session in April 2015.

  • Now he graduates 250+ people per year from Jumpstart Germantown.

  • There’s an overwhelming interest in learning responsible residential real estate development, and many participants have made major investments in their community, with assistance from the Jumpstart Philly Loan Program.

Jumpstart has already spread to Philadelphia’s Kensington, Southwest, West Philly, Hunting Park, North Philly West, Tioga neighborhoods, with new start-ups planned in the years ahead.

How To Jumpstart?

Jumpstart for Individuals

Training Workbook and PowerPoint to teach yourself

Get Started

Jumpstart Your Neighborhood

"How to" Guide to start your own program

Get Started